
Law office

About us

Pavelka s.r.o., law office, was established in 2015 by Mgr. Jan Pavelka, LL.M. as a first czech boutique-type law firm. We provide services matching the standards of top European and global law firms or private banks.

Our clients include major Czech business groups, family businesses, and individual entrepreneurs and investors.

We work with an extensive network of law firms, private banks, family offices and providers of trust, wealth management, and concierge services.

We are members of  AEA International Lawyers Network.

In 2018 and 2019, we received the AI magazine award for the “Best Boutique Commercial Law Firm 2018” and “Best Boutique Commercial Law Firm 2019” in the Czech Republic.


Private clients and family businesses

  1. Advising on inter-generational transfers of assets, issues of succession in companies, and optimising the setting of exit from companies
  2. Advising on management of personal and family assets and investments
  3. Advising family businesses
  4. Mediation in conflicts resulting from joint business activities
  5. Family Office services
  6. “White collar” crime
  7. Concierge

Commercial and corporate law

  1. Corporate law
  2. Mergers and acquisitions, including cross-border transactions
  3. Legal Due Diligence
  4. Vertical and horizontal restructurings
  5. Comprehensive legal and tax advice
  6. Designing holding structures in the Czech Republic and abroad, establishing on-shore and off-shore structures (including foreign bank accounts), international tax planning
  7. Incorporating tailor-made companies (limited liability companies, joint-stock companies, SE)
  8. Winding up and liquidation of companies and existing foreign structures

Civil law

  1. Inheritance and family law
  2. Contract law and law of obligations
  3. Trust funds (formation, administration, nominee management)

Banking and finance

  1. Acquisition, operational and project financing
  2. Syndicated loans, mezzanine, subordinated and structured financing, including securitisation
  3. Drafting complete financing documentation, and representing clients in negotiations
  4. Debt financing and other forms of alternative financing
  5. Structuring, establishing and managing investment companies and funds
  6. Advice related to private equity and venture capital
  7. Advising on debt and equity capital, and on possibilities for debt portfolio restructuring
  8. Representing the client in dealings with the regulator

Real estate and environment

  1. Tax, transactional and project structuring relating to real estate, and implementation
  2. Structuring, establishing, managing and winding up real estate investment funds
  3. Facility management, leases, sub-leases, and usufructuary leases of real estate
  4. Advising on development, construction and management of real estate
  5. Issues related to planning, zoning and building procedures
  6. Real estate financing
  7. Environmental issues and natural resources
  8. Joint ventures for real estate projects

Insolvency and restructuring

  1. Pre-insolvency, insolvency and post-insolvency support
  2. National and cross-border debt restructuring
  3. Setting up and managing creditors’ committees
  4. “Turn-around”, risk management, and crisis management
  5. Preparing and implementing controlled insolvency
  6. Preparing, structuring and implementing restructuring plans
  7. Bail-outs and bail-ins
  8. Representation in dispute resolution, and defence in insolvency proceedings


1. Complex advisory in IP and IT Matters

2. Complex advisory in all data protection matters and implementation of GDPR requirements

3. Registration, protection and enforcement of trademark rights, designs and copyright

4. Matters of licenses to intellectual property rights

5. Protection of data, privacy, reputation, know-how

6. Complex advisory in film and entertainment industry

7. Architecture, structuring, maintenance and support in the matters of IP Boxes

M&A services


  1. Strategic advisory and representation of clients during the process of sale or purchase of the company
  2. Setting of proper transaction structure and project management
  3. Preparation of the introductory presentation of the company and information memorandum
  4. Elaboration of Term Sheet
  5. Indicative valuation of the company
  6. Preparation of the data room including the provision of secure online storage
  7. Complex due diligence
  8. Preparation of transaction documentation, strategic negotiations, signing and closing of the transaction


§ 14 zákona o ochraně spotřebitele

Prodávající informuje spotřebitele jasným, srozumitelným a snadno dostupným způsobem o subjektu mimosoudního řešení spotřebitelských sporů, který je pro daný typ nabízeného, prodávaného, poskytovaného nebo zprostředkovaného výrobku nebo služby věcně příslušný [ČAK]. Informace musí zahrnovat též internetovou adresu tohoto subjektu []. Jestliže prodávající provozuje internetové stránky, uvede tyto informace i na těchto internetových stránkách. Pokud smlouva uzavřená mezi prodávajícím a spotřebitelem odkazuje na obchodní podmínky, uvede informace podle věty první a druhé rovněž v těchto obchodních podmínkách.

Our team

Mgr. Jan Pavelka, LL.M.

Mgr. Jan Pavelka, LL.M.

Attorney & Partner

+420 733 677 768

JUDr. Gabriela Černá

JUDr. Gabriela Černá


+420 774 125 750

Mgr. Jakub Šanda

Mgr. Jakub Šanda

Junior associate

+420 724 521 623

Mgr. Daniel Hladílek

Mgr. Daniel Hladílek

Junior associate

+420 777 668 099

Ondřej Pavelka

Ondřej Pavelka


+420 777 783 604

Jan Matěj Haš

Jan Matěj Haš


+420 777 359 649

Kateřina Spudilová

Kateřina Spudilová


+420 731 277 842


Pavelka s.r.o., law office

Registered with the municipal court in Prague, file No. C 244564

Jugoslávská 620/29, Vinohrady, 120 00 Prague 2

Reg.No. 04243706
TIN CZ04243706

+420 734 240 302

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